176 Maintenance Group commander promoted to colonel

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. N. Alicia Halla
  • 176 WG
Tory Saxe, commander of the Alaska Air National Guard's 176 Maintenance Group, pinned on the rank of Air Force colonel at his promotion celebration here Feb. 8.

Saxe was presented with a set of "eagles" - a term for his new rank insignia - which have eyes that always face forward on the wearer.

"This is the leap from tactical leadership to strategic leadership," said Brig. Gen. Donald S. Wenke, commander of the 176 Wing. "This is where we expect our airmen to grow into vision, and we want those eyes pointed forward so they we can look at what's coming up in the future and how to get there. And Tory's reached that level."

Saxe started his Air Force career in 1995, joining the Alaska Air National Guard (AKANG) in 2004. He has filled various positions in the Alaska Air National Guard, including at Clear Air Force Station where he commanded the 213th Space Warning Squadron and 13th Space Warning Squadron.