Help fuel the fire

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Shannon Oleson
  • 176WG/PA
Do you:

* Enjoy challenging technical work?
* Take pride in doing the little things right?
* Like working as part of a tightly knit team?
* Want to put those talents to use in a meaningful way?

The 176th Wing needs people just like you to tackle one of its most important and challenging jobs: aircraft fuels technician.

There's no sugarcoating it: It's a tough, demanding job. Aircraft fuels technicians must know their equipment - manifolds, pumps and bladder cells - inside and out. On the C-130 and HC-130 airframes the wing operates, these components are found inside the fuel tanks housed inside each wing. As a fuels technician, you'll tackle your work as half of a two-member team: One of you, outfitted in protective gear, will do the precision work inside the fuel tank; the other will assist from the outside, providing tools, support and the all-important safety backup.

"It's not easy," says Tech. Sgt. Kyle Ferguson, a fuels technician with the 176th Aircraft Fuel Systems Shop. "If something fails within the fuel system of an aircraft and if someone is not there to fix it, the mission can't be completed. It's a dirty job, but what we do is essential to the wing's mission. It is vital -- and that is rewarding."

The 176th Wing needs aircraft fuels technicians. Without you, the planes don't fly, missions get scrubbed and rescue opportunities are lost. With you, we fly, fight and win. Click here to learn more.