Inspector General

The 176th Wing Inspector General (IG) handles issues affecting the discipline, readiness and warfighting capability of members of the wing. This includes executing a complaint resolution process. The IG is also responsible for educating members of the organization about IG processes and Fraud, Waste and Abuse (FWA) issues. 

The governing directive of the IG Complaints Resolution Program is Air Force Instruction 90-301 ("Inspector General Complaints Resolution"). Under this directive, military and civilian employees of the 176th Wing have a duty to promptly report: 


  • issues relating to fraud, waste and abuse; or gross mismanagement
  • a violation of law, policy, procedures, instructions or regulations
  • injustice
  • abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct or misconduct (as defined by the instruction), or a deficiency or like condition

Wing members are to report any such issues through appropriate supervisory channels, to an IG, or through an established grievance channel. 





Your rights

No person may prohibit or restrict a member of the armed forces from making or preparing to make a lawful communication or protected communication to a member of congress, their staff, or the IG. Furthermore, communicating or the attempt to communicate a violation of this instruction to the IG is considered protected communication. Therefore no person may take (or threaten to take) an unfavorable personnel action, or withhold a favorable personnel action, as reprisal against a member for going to the IG with an issue. 

How to resolve a complaint

Individuals who have issues should attempt to resolve them at the lowest possible level, using their respective chains of command, before bringing the issue to the IG. If you are unable to resolve your complaint through supervisory channels and you reasonably believe inappropriate conduct occurred, or a violation of law, policy, procedure or regulation has been committed, you may file a complaint.

Use the Inspector General Personal and Fraud, Waste & Abuse Complaint Registration (AF IMT 102) to outline the facts and relevant background information related to the issue or complaint. List the allegations of wrongdoing in general terms. Allegations should be written as bullets and should answer:



  • Who committed the violation?
  • What violation was committed?
  • What law, regulation, procedure or policy was violated?
  • When did the violation occur?

Submit your completed complaint registration form to the 176th Wing IG office:

Inspector General
17441 Airlifter Drive
JBER, AK  99502


If you would like more information about the Inspector General Complaints Resolution Program, please contact your 176th Wing Inspector General at (907-551-7600). The Alaska National Guard IG can be reached at 907-428-6060/6061.

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