
Welcome to the official World Wide Web site of the Alaska Air National Guard's 176th Wing . This site is provided as a public service through the cooperative efforts of the 176WG and the Air National Guard Public Affairs. 

176th Wing Mission

The mission of the Alaska Air National Guard is to organize, train and equip members to serve the vital interests of our community, state and nation by:
  • Supporting U.S. National Security Objectives
  • Protecting life and property, and preserving peace, order and public safety
  • Participating in local, state, and national programs that add value to America

ang Mission

The Air National Guard's mission is to provide well trained, well equipped men and women to augment the active force during national emergencies and war, and during times of peace, provide assistance for natural disasters and civil disturbances. The Air National Guard is administered by the National Guard Bureau, a joint bureau of the Departments of the Army and Air Force, located in the Pentagon, Washington, D. C.

State Mission

Air National Guard units, under order of the Governor, provide protection of life and property, and preserve peace, order and public safety. State missions, funded by the individual states, include disaster relief in times of earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and forest fires, search and rescue, protection of vital public services, and support to civil defense. 

When Guard units are in a non-mobilized status, they are commanded by the governor of their respective states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Territory of Guam, Territory of the Virgin Islands, and the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard. The governors (except in the District of Columbia) are represented in the chain of command by the Adjutant General of the state or territory.

Federal Mission

As part of the total Air Force, the Alaska Air National Guard provides operationally ready combat units and combat support units, and qualified personnel for active duty in the Air Force to fulfill Air Force war and contingency commitments. Alaskan units are assigned to Air Force major commands during peacetime to accomplish this mission. The major commands establish training standards, provide advisory assistance, and evaluate units for training, readiness and safety programs. 

Today, ensuring the security of America's skies is a mission the Air National Guard shares equally with the active Air Force. During a war or national emergency, the Air National Guard may be called to federal active duty by the President or Congress - as demonstrated in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Along with providing airlift and rescue the Alaska Air Guard has specialized support units. Radar and tracking systems specialists, civil engineers, aircraft mechanics, security police, communication systems specialists, cooks, munitions specialists, supply personnel and many others play a vital role in the Alaska Air Guard's federal mission.



Since 2001, more than 1,200 wing members have deployed to support U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, performing critical functions from security and combat search-and-rescue to civil engineering and logistics. In addition, our aircrews work in close association with the active-duty airforce to provide continous strategic airlift support, spanning the globe to bring in the troops and materiel needed to secure the interests of America and the people of Iraq and Afghanistan.


For more than 50 years, the men and women of the 176th Wing have helped deliver toys, clothing, books, staple goods and a whole lot of holiday cheer to Alaska's remote and isolated villages around Christmas.


Our Civil Engineer Squadron periodically deploys for training. Being engineers, this usually means building things. Most recently they deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border to upgrade infrastructure there in support of Operation Jump Start, a federal program to secure the border. Other recent deployments have taken them to Hawaii, Israel and Central America.


The members of our 210th, 211th and 212th rescue squadrons have a critical wartime assignment -- rescuing downed pilots, including difficult and dangerous missions in enemy territory. Back here in Alaska they put their rigorous training to good use, plucking stranded hunters, hikers and other outdoorsmen from the state's vast and often unforgiving wilderness.


From Pakistan to Southwest Asia to the U.S. Gulf Coast, when disaster strikes, our men and women are there to distribute food, medicine, blankets and other desperately needed supplies.